Objective To evaluate the safety and feasibility of portal CO 2-DSA with fine needle splenic puncture. 目的评价细针脾穿刺门脉CO2数字减影血管造影(CO2DSA)的安全性和可行性。
Ten cases were well tolerant in the course of CO_2 splenoportography, while other 10 patients had mild moderate abdominal discomfort. One patient had splenic haemorrhage after splenic puncture. 术中有10例患者(10/21)CO2造影术中有一过性轻度腹部不适,1例术后脾脏出血。
Percutaneous Splenic Puncture with Dehydrated Alcohol Injection Guided by Ultrasound in Hypersplenism B超引导下经皮脾穿刺注射无水酒精治疗脾功能亢进症的研究
Conclusions Portal CO 2-DSA with fine needle splenic puncture is feasible, safe and efficient. 结论细针脾穿刺门脉CO2DSA是可行、安全和有效的;
Portography with Fine Needle Splenic Puncture: Comparative Study with Magnetic Resonance Portography and Transarterial Portography 细针脾穿刺门脉造影与磁共振和动脉法间接门脉造影的对照研究